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human immunodeficiency virus – causes infectious process in human organism, which can be characterized by slow course, affection of immune and nervous systems and further development of progressing infections and neoplasm which both result in lethal outcome.
AIDS is caused by the human immunodeficiency virus. It is the terminal phase of HIV. In majority of cases it comes in a long period of time from the moment of HIV infection. The pathogen is not homogeneous, genetically possesses highly level of mutability. AIDS source is an HIV infected of sick person. The biggest virus concentration is in human blood, sperm, female genital organs secretion, spinal fluid. A child can be infected by mother during pregnancy and delivery. Probability of child infection during breast-feeding is 25-50%. It is possible to get infected via blood transfusions if blood is HIV infected, when HIV infected blood or biological fluids get on unprotected skin or mucous tunics and via poorly or not sterilized medical instruments: syringes, catheters. HIV transmission occurs through sexual contacts. Homosexuals, intravenous users, haemophiliacs, people involved in casual relations are badly exposed to the risk of HIV infection. A medical personnel is also in the risky group as it deals with blood and physiological fluids of patients.
Virus penetrates into human organism via damaged coverlet or blood. It demonstrates special selectivity towards T-lymphocytes. Virus protein is synthesized inside of infected cell. Virus penetrates into cell nucleus and breaks in chromosomal DNA, remaining for a long time in delitescence. Impetuous virus propagation starts after immune stimulation of T-lymphocytes caused by re-infection, a disease, intoxication, and chemicals. Disturbances in cell regulation system of immune reaction makes HIV infected person unprotected of infections and tumours development. Incubation period lasts from 3 weeks to 3 months, quite often up to 1 –3 years. Primary organism reaction to HIV is generation of antibodies. They’re a few stages of HIV clinical course. These stages can appear inconsequentially and not necessarily all of them will have a place:
1st stage – acute infection. It appears in 50 – 90% cases. Duration of clinical presentations varies from several days up to several months. Clinical signs: quinsy, lymphadenomathy, large liver and spleen mass, periodical fever, sometimes rash and diarrhea, sometimes aseptic meningitis.
2nd stage – asymptomatic infection (virus infection carrier state). This stage is characterized by absence of clinical signs of HIV infection, quite often by moderate lymphadenomathy. Diagnostics of this stage is based on epidemiological anamnesis and laboratory study data.
3rd stage – persistent universal lymphoadenopathy. The only clinical sign is persistent, during more than 3 months, enlargement of 2 groups of lymph nodes without any objective cause of their affection. Lymph nodes are moderately enlarged, more than 0.5 cm in diameter, sometimes painful, not adherent to each other and surrounding tissues. They can decrease and then enlarge again. Duration of the 3rd stage can vary from 2-3 years up to 10-15 years. As disease progressing, clinical symptoms of deep immune system affection may appear. Then, the 4th stage develops.
4th stage – pre-AIDS: body weight loss (more than 10%), unmotivated diarrhea (more than 1 month), profuse night sweat, chronic tiredness syndrome. Also typical for this stage: bacterial, virus and mycotic lesions of coverlet and mucous tunics, upper airways inflammation with lengthy clinical course, affection of nervous system and internal, sometimes Kaposi’s sarcoma.
5th stage – AIDS, can be characterized by development of serious secondary, fatal illnesses and their universality. Affection of central nervous system and other organs and systems is irreversible. A patient dies within a few months.
It is typical for HIV infection to progress for a quite long time. Nevertheless, sometimes the disease develops quickly and in 2-3 years enters its terminal stage.
Treatment: today’s therapy allows hold the disease at intermediate stages, delaying terminal phase.
Korolev would like to offer his own alternative treatment of AIDS and HIV with the homeopathyc mixture. The mixture action is directed to stimulation of central nervous, immune and other systems. Dr.Korolyov believes that the disease is caused by weakening of immune and other systems activity, weak reactivity to possible irritants. Changing reactivity of human organism with Dr.Korolyov’s mixture, it is possible to get rid of the very ground of HIV development – weekend immunity. Such a treatment can bring complete recovery.
Dr.Korolyov will cure HIV infected and sick for AIDS patients. If you have one of these problems you need to buy Dr.Korolyov’s mixture.
Please, communicate your information: name, diagnosis and address and you will receive the mixture via mail with further mailing of your payment. When you receive the mixture, take it for 4 months and then do your blood test and communicate your result to me.