Treatment at a hypertonic crisis and insult |
Treatment of insulin dependent sugar Diabetum |
Treatment of a poliomyelitis |
Treatment of a scoliosis |
Treatment of a lues |
Treatment of an impotency |
Treatment of an acute leukosis
Treatment of a set of the climacteric symptoms
Treatment of the insulin independent sugar Diabetum
Treatment of a varicose phlebectasia of the inferior extremities
Treatment of a urolithiasis
Treatment at an acute radiculitis
Treatment of a cataract of an eye
Treatment of a psoriasis
Treatment of an adenoma of a prostate gland
Treatment of a hemorrhoids
Treatment of a mastopathy
Treatment of a rheumatic polyarthritis
Treatment of an obliterating endarteritis
Treatment of a uracrasia
Treatment of a bronchial asthma
Treatment at nicotinic dependence
Treatment of a neurodermite
Treatment and prophylaxis of a flu
Treatment of a rhematoid polyarthritis
Treatment of an epilepsy
Treatment of alcoholic dependence
Treatment of a head pain
Treatment of diarrhea
Treatment of a hypertonia
Treatment of a children's cerebral paralysis
Treatment to be sick in heart
Treatment of a hypotonia
Treatment of a sarcoma
Treatment of a cancer of an internals
Treatment at exuberant mass of a body
Treatment of a chronic pneumonia
Treatment of the fault of a heart
Treatment of a gallstone illness
Treatment of an acute virus hepatitis
Treatment of a chronic hepatitis
Treatment of Bechterev's illness
Treatment of a peptic ulcer of a duodenum
Treatment of consequences of atomic irradiation
Treatment by ill AIDS
Treatment of a strabismus
Treatment of ischemic illness of heart
Treatment of a tuberculosis
Treatment of an oligophrenia
Treatment of an acute pneumonia
Treatment of an eczema
Treatment of a cancer mild
Treatment of a struma
Treatment of a disseminated sclerosis
Treatment of Parkinson' illness
Treatment of a depressive state
Treatment of a fibromyoma of a uterus
Treatment of a polycystosis of ovaries
Treatment of a rachitis for children
Treatment of a cirrhosis of a liver
Treatment of a pyelonephritis
Treatment of a chronic pyelonephritis
Treatment of a neurocirculatory dystonia
Treatment of a insomnia
Treatment of a anemia
Treatment of a Ebola
Treatment of a extrahazardous of infection contaminations (cholera, plague, malignant anthrax)
Treatment of a smallpox