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mixture is a miraculous invention of Dr.Korolyov, result of 15 years
of successful medical practice in homeopathy field. Mechanism of the
mixture effect is directed on to the changing reactivity of all organism
systems - central nervous system, cardiovascular system, immune system and
others. It normalizes processes of activation and inhibition of vegetative
nervous system. It improves microcirculation processes and helps patient
to adapt to the environment. The mixture is created on the basis of a
certain combination of different dilutions, herbs, microelements and
poisons. Each component of the mixture is an active stimulator for human
organism, which results in considerable positive outcome of treatment. All
patients who took the homeopathic mixture had a positive result. By now
there are more then 30 000 of them. You can read about successful
treatment of different diseases with the mixture here.
Essence of Dr.Korolyovs invention is complex homeopathic remedy, which
is a combination of homeopathic preparations of at least 3 different
groups of dilutions. There are a few groups of dilutions:
1D-6C low group
6C-30C middle group
30C-1000C high group
from 1000 C up highest
The advantage of this method versus all other known ones is that all known
groups of preparation dilutions are used in the mixture (at minimum 3). As
a result the mixture achieves complex, many-sided effect on human organism:
- Acting as a complex activator, the mixture considerably increases
reactivity of a patient, namely ability of central nervous system
adequately react at other irritants, for example, environment factors,
social factors, stress, etc. This allows to normalize processes of
activation and inhibition, which leads to livening up protective and
adaptive functions of human organism which help a patient to adapt to
external environment. Especially it is important in todays world when
reactivity of human organism is significantly decreased. Processes proceed
at low immunochemical level as a result of environmental problems, quality
of diet, antibiotic and hormonal agent medication, Chernobyl catastrophe,
etc. At the same time many-sided effect of the mixture is also a result of
using whole mechanism of disease, namely using of initial materials when
each of them is good for treating one and the same disease. Dr.Korolev
invented a law of dilution sequence in composing the mixture. That is why
he would like to warn homeopathic practitioners: without knowing the law
of sequence no one should compose complex homeopathic remedies which
consist of combination of homeopathic preparations and as minimum of 3
different groups of dilutions it can harm a patient.
Invented formula for ischemic heart disease treatment:
Aconitum 12D
Camphora Rubini 10000C
Belladonna 10000C
Kalium sulphuricum 10000C
Convallaria 6D
Lachesis 12D
Peonia 30C
Arnica 10000C
This mixture should be taken by 7 drops 3 times a day, 20 min before meal
during 14 weeks.
After that 1 time a day during 12 weeks.
Acting as a complex irritant to all organism functional systems,
completely changing organism reactivity, the mixture does not only bring
positive result but a complete recovery. |
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Oils Dr.Korolyovs invention. Each oil contains more then 20
herbs. The main secret is special temperature and light conditions of
extraction. Recommended for facial skin rejuvenation. |
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Fleming Homeopathic Ointment used for treatment of such diseases like neurodermatitis, chronic and acute rhinitis, eczema, dermatosis, psoroasis, haemorrhoids. |
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Normalizer Mediv (historical name is Zorin Enion) is a device, which normalizes energoinformational exchange process in unimated and inanimated nature. It consists of 24 biologically active components, which went through multi-step technological processing resulted in achieving a highly active mass. This mass is made as a biological composite in the form of solid disc. The most important components are: viper poison, maral panthes, bear gall, ginseng, badger fat. All of them together with interaction catalyst start working when contact patients body. When pathology focus is exposed to the normalizer, ill organ cells get activated. Coming into resonance, cells naturally purify, get rid of slags, improve oxygen saturation. Normalization of cell and inter-cell processes enhances cells regeneration. Normalizer Mediv was clinically and toxicologically tested in 19 scientific institutions and clinics of Moscow and Saint-Petersburg. It proved to be an effective and safe agent for healing over many diseases.
License of Ministry of Public Health No.42/98-0694, dd. 18.06.98
Health Certificate 78.SP. 05.939 7789. P98 dd. 24.07.98
Recommended to manufacturing and sale in Russia. |
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Turpentine Bathes by Dr.Zalmanovs method.
White turpentine bathes are used in theraphy of the following diseases:
Arteritis ( arterial pressure no higher then 140 mm ), myocardial infarction (consiquences) 6 monthes later, sciatica ( rejuvenation of aged patients, fractures and consiquences amyothrophy ), rerefaction of bones (osteomalacia), rachitis, deforming rheumatism.
Yellow turpentine bathes are used in theraphy of the following desiases:
Arteritis (artery inflammation, progressing amyothrophy, cerebral hemiplegia (consiquences), essential hypertension, rising blood pressure, glaucoma, retinitis, iridocyclitis, central retinal artery thrombosis, diabetes, consiquences of myocardial infarction, infectious diseases including children diseases : scarlatina, whooping cough, diphtheria, measles), sciatica, mastoiditis, imbecility, ototis, bones fracture, consequences of join anchylosis, pleural exudation (pleura fluids), polyneuritis (mixed bathes), progressing hypertrophic rheumatism, polyarthritis, salpingitis, uterina appendages inflammation, septicemia, internal syphilis, tertiary progressing paralysis, posterior spinal sclerosis, spondylosis ( spondylarthrosis with nerve root pains).
Absolute contra-indications: aggressive tuberculosis, severe hyperthyroidism, affection of biliary parenchyma, psychosis, heart involving acute rheumatic processes.
Relative contra-indications: progressing atherosclerosis, coronary and other heart diseases with heart reserve potential abnormality. |