Practical work: paradoxical respiratory exercise by A.Strelnikova’s method |
Practical work: preparation of white turpentine bath |
Practical work: preparation of yellow turpentine bath |
Practical work: turpentine bath taking |
Practical work: respiratory herb collections (expectorant and diaphoretic) |
Practical work: herb collections used for cardiovascular diseases |
Practical work: herb collections used for locomotor system diseases
Practical work: paradoxical respiratory exercise by A.Strelnikova’s method:
Take a quick, short breath through your nose, thinking of the breath
Exhale spontaneously through your mouth, not thinking of it
Repeat with the following tempo: 2-4-8-16-24-32
Do it easily, without particular effort
Practical work: preparation of white turpentine bath
2 liters of white emulsion consist of the following ingredients:
Distilled water - 1100 ml.
Salicylic acid – 3 gr.
Baby soap – 30 gr.
Turpentine oil (GOST 1571) – 1000 ml.
Method of preparation: Add salicylic acid to distilled water and boil it in an enameled vessel. As soon as water boils and acid dissolved, reduce stove temperature and add grated soap. Stir it with a wooden spoon until all ingredients completely dissolved. Take the vessel off the stove and add turpentine. Thoroughly stirring emulsion, bottle it in dark glass bottles and plug up tightly. Put some poly on top of the plug. Keep under room temperature in a dark place.
Practical work: preparation of yellow turpentine bath
3 liters of yellow emulsion consist of the following ingredients:
Distilled water - 400 ml.
Castor oil - 600 ml.
Caustic soda (granules) – 40 gr
Oleic acid – 450 ml.
Turpentine oil (GOST 1571) – 1500 ml.
Method of preparation: Yellow emulsion should be cooked only in water bath, carefully watched so that level of water in the water bath would be always higher then level of emulsion in a vessel. There in the process of cooking you should add some hot water in the water bath to maintain required level of water. Pour castor oil in the vessel and put in a water bath – for example, a bucket – with cold water. Fix you vessel tightly to the bucket. Put bucket on the stove and boil the water. While water is getting boiled, prepare caustic soda solution. For that take a glass retort, pour distilled water in it and slowly rotating water in the retort add caustic soda granules. Shake the retort till soda is fully dissolved, do it under running cold water otherwise the retort can crack of overheating. As soon as water bath is boiling, add cooled caustic soda solution with a thin stream to castor oil, stirring it with a wooden spoon. Bring the solution to thickening, then add oleic acid. Constantly stirring and keeping on water bath wait till you see the solution became clear as vegetable oil. Took the vessel from water bath and add turpentine. Thoroughly stirring emulsion, bottle it in dark glass bottles and plug up tightly. Put some poly on top of the plug. Keep under room temperature in a dark place.
Practical work: turpentine bath taking
Get your bathtub a little bit more then half-full with water of 37°C. Put 1 tablespoon of turpentine emulsion into 3-litter enameled pot. Add hot water to the pot and pour out to the bathtub from your full height. Scooping up water from the bathtub with the pot pour it back from your full height. Repeat it 10 – 12 times. Before going in the bathtub open a hot water tap for a not big stream of water running in your bath. As you are in the bathtub stir water with your legs, putting them together and apart. Wait until you have sweat on your forehead, above your lip or follow the temperature regime:
White turpentine bath: from 37°C up to 39°C during 10 minutes
Yellow turpentine bath: from 37°C up to 42°C during 10 - 12 minutes
Practical work: respiratory herb collections (expectorant and diaphoretic)
Herb collection # 1
· Coltsfoot leaves 200 gr
· Wild marjoram herbage 100 gr
· Camomile flowers 200 gr
Preparation: Cut very small and pound leaves, herbage and flowers. Mix it well. Pour over 2 tablespoons of mixed herb 0.5 l of boiling water. Infuse in a thermos for 5 – 6 hours. Take it warm by half of a glass 3 times a day before meal.
Indications: dry bronchitis (expectorant).
Herb collection # 2
· Plantain leaves 200 gr
· St.-John’s wort 200 gr
· Lime-tree blossom 200 gr
Preparation: same as Herb collection # 1.
Indications: acute bronchitis (diaphoretic, disinfectant)
Herb collection # 3
· Wild rosemary herbage 200 gr
· Birch buds 50 gr
· Wild marjoram herbage 100 gr
· Common nettle leaves 50 gr
Preparation: Cut very small, pound and mix all well. Pour over 2 tablespoons of mixed herb 0.5 l of boiling water. Boil 10 min on the low flame. Infuse for 30 min. Take it by 0.3 of a glass 3 times a day after meal.
Indications: chronic bronchitis (expectorant, disinfectant, resolvent).
Herb collection # 4 – Respiratory Tea
· Wild marjoram herbage 100 gr
· Marsh mallow root 200 gr
· Coltsfoot leaves 200 gr
Preparation: Cut very small, pound and mix all well. Pour over 2 tablespoons of mixed herb 0.5 l of boiling water. Infuse for 20 min., then filter. Take it warm by half of a glass 3 times a day before meal.
Indications: respiratory apparatus inflammation (softening and coating).
Herb collection # 5
· Birch leaves 100 gr
· Coltsfoot leaves 200 gr
· Camomile flowers 200 gr
· Wild rosemary herbage 200 gr
· Wild marjoram herbage 100 gr
Preparation: see Herb collection # 3.
Indications: chronic pneumonia, bronchial asthma
Herb collection # 6
· Plantain leaves 300 gr
· Marsh mallow roots 200 gr
· Glucyrrhiza, naked roots 300 gr
· Coltsfoot leaves 400 gr
· Sage leaves 30 gr
Preparation: Cut very small, pound and mix all well. Pour over 2 rounded tablespoons of mixed herbs 1 glass of cold water. Infuse for 2 hours, then boil 5-7 min and filter after cooling. Take it warm by 0.3 of a glass 3-4 times a day.
Indications: bronchitis.
Herb collection # 7
· St.-John’s wort 200 gr
· Lime-tree blossom 200 gr
· Camomile flowers 100 gr
Preparation: Cut very small, pound and mix it all well. Pour over 4 rounded tablespoons of mixed herb 0.5 l of boiling water. Infuse for 30 min., then filter and squeeze. Take it warm by half of a glass 3-4 times a day, 30 min. before meal.
Indications: pneumonia (diaphoretic and disinfectant)
Herb collection # 8 – Diaphoretic Tea
· Raspberies 200 gr
· Lime tree blossom 200 gr
· Coltsfoot leaves 200 gr
Preparation: Cut very small, pound and mix it all well. Pour over 2 tablespoons of mixed herbs 2 glasses of boiling water. Infuse for 20 min. Take it warm by half of a glass 4 times a day.
Practical work: herb collections used for cardiovascular diseases
Herb collection # 1
· Motherwort herbage 300 gr
· Cudweed herbage 300 gr
· Wild rosemary herbage 200 gr
· Orthosiphon 100 gr
Preparation: Cut very small, pound and mix it all well. Pour over 2 tablespoons of mixed herbs 2 glasses of boiling water, boil for 5 min., infuse for 4 hours in a thermos. Take it warm by half of a glass 3 times a day after meal.
Indication: essential hypertension
Herb collection # 2
· Adonis herbage 100 gr
· Hawthorn blossom 200 gr
· Birch leaves 100 gr
· Cudweed herbage 200 gr
· Motherwort herbage 200 gr
· Horse-tail herbage 100 gr
Preparation: Cut very small, pound and mix it all well. Pour over 2 tablespoons of mixed herbs half of a glass of boiling water, infuse for 6 hours in a thermos. Take it warm by half of a glass 3 times a day, 15-20 min before meal.
Indication: essential hypertension in combination with complicated cardiac insufficiency of I and II degree at compensation or subcompensation stage.
Herb collection # 3
· Adonis herbage 100 gr
· Hawthorn, haws 100 gr
· Peppermint leaves 200 gr
· Motherwort herbage 300 gr
· Cudweed herbage 200 gr
· Orthosiphon 100 gr
Preparation: Cut very small, pound and mix it all well. Pour over 2 tablespoons of mixed herb 2 glasses of cold water, infuse for 3 hours. Boil for 5 min., infuse for 15 min. Take it warm by half of a glass 4 times a day, 20 min before meal.
Indication: essential hypertension, symptomatic hypertension with stenocardia.
Herb collection # 4
· Milfoil herbage 200 gr
· Common nettle herbage 100 gr
· Birch leaves 150 gr
· Hawthorn, haws 200 gr
· Dog-rose, hips 300 gr
· Motherwort herbage 200 gr
· Cowberry, leaves 100 gr
Preparation: See Herb collection # 2.
Indications: atherosclerosis in combination with high blood pressure.
Herb collection # 5
· Sandy overlasting, flowers 200 gr
· Hawthorn berries 100 gr
· Orthosiphon 100 gr
· Motherwort herbage 200 gr
· Dog-rose, hips 200 gr
· Buckthorn, rind 200 gr
Preparation: Pour over 2 tablespoons of mixed herbs half of a glass of boiling water and boil for 10 min., then filter. Take it by half of a glass in the morning and in the evening.
Indications: cardial diseases with high blood pressure.
Practical work: herb collections used for locomotor system diseases
Herb collection # 1
· Junipee berries 100 gr
· Calendula 50 gr
· Buckthorn, rind 50 gr
· Common nettle leaves 100 gr
· Birch leaves 200 gr
· Horse-tail herbage 200 gr
Preparation: Pour over 3 tablespoons of mixed herbs 0.5 l of boiling water and infuse for 10 min., then boil. Cool it and filter. Take it hot by half of a glass 4 times a day.
Indications: Infectious polyarthiritis
Herb collection # 2
· Camomile 100 gr
· St.-John’s wort, herbage 200 gr
· Birch leaves 300 gr
· Cowberry, leaves 100 gr
· Common buckthorn 50 gr
· Horse-tail herbage 200 gr
Preparation: Pour over 2 tablespoons of mixed herbs 0.5 l of boiling water, then boil for 10min and infuse for 30 min. Take it warm by half of a glass 3 times a day before meal.
Indication: metabolic polyarthritis
Herb collection # 3
· Elder blossom 200 gr
· Junipee berries 100 gr
· Common buckthorn 50 gr
· Lime-tree leaves 300 gr
· Pine cones 200 gr
· Orthosiphon 100 gr
Preparation: See Herb collection # 2.
Indications: podagra, rheumatism
Herb Collection # 4
· Wild rosemary herbage 200 gr
· Buckthorn, rind 100 gr
· Milfoil herbage 150 gr
· Origanum herbage 200 gr
· Cowberry, leaves 100 gr
Preparation: Pour over 2 tablespoons of mixed herbs 1 litter of boiling water, infuse for 8 hours in a thermos. Filter and take it by 0.25 of a glass 4 times a day after meal.
Indications: podagra with adiposity