N., 20- months-old girl. Diagnosis: hysteria, mental retardation, speech development delay, frequent diarrhea (salmonellosis). The girl was given a treatment with Dr.Korolyovs homeopathic mixture and reflex correcting therapy during 2 months.
Result: Significant improvement of neuropsychic status of patient. In the beginning of the treatment fits of hysteria became more frequent, then they came more seldom and in the end of the course of treatment disappeared at all. The girl started to talk better. Diarrhea was cured (bacteriological test did not show salmonellas).
D., 68-year-old man. Diagnosis: left lung cancer. Patient had partial resection of left lung, after that was given a treatment with Dr.Korolyovs homeopathic mixture during 2 years.
Result: The patient feels well, result of blood test and fluography is normal, patient is able to work.
Patient B., 30-year-old woman. Diagnosis: ovarian carcinoma (ultrasonic and histological study data). The woman was given a treatment with Dr.Korolyovs homeopathic mixture during 12 months.
Result: ultrasonic data does not confirm the diagnosis above, ovary is of normal shape and size.
Patient N., 6-year-old boy. The boy was ill since he was born. He complained of rash, hands and legs weeping. Diagnosis: weeping eczema. Objective signs: papulous rash and weeping on extensor surfaces of hands, arms and popliteal space. The boy was given a treatment with Dr.Korolyovs homeopathic mixture during 6 months. During treatment course there were repeated exacerbation which alternated with periods of rash abatement. Disease proceeded by waves, each next exacerbation was weaker then the previous one.
Result: complete recovery, affected surfaces of body cleaned of rash and weeping, became smooth.
Patient K., 5-year-old girl. The girl was ill for 3 years. She complained of cough with phlegm and periodical shortness of breath. Diagnosis: bronchial asthma in a stage of remission, chronic abstructive bronchitis. Auscultatory identified: small bubbling rales and harsh breathing in lungs. The girl was given a treatment with Dr.Korolyovs homeopathic mixture during 6 months. In 2 weeks after treatment started the girl had 3 weeks of exacerbation. There were overall 5 exarbations during the treatment course, which alternated with periods of remission.
Result: Complete recovery, cough and breath shortness disappeared. Auscultatory identified: respiration was vesicular.
Patient P., 32-year-old man. He was ill for 6 months. He complained of nagging pain in posterior surface of his left leg. Diagnosis: acute condition of chronic lumbosacral radiculitis. The girl was given a treatment with Dr.Korolyovs homeopathic mixture during 3 months. During treatment course there were repeated exacerbations ended with a significant relief. Now patient is practically healthy.
Patient K., 62-year-old man. The man was ill for more then 6 years. He complained of cramping constringent pains behind sternum when exercise. Diagnosis: ischemic heart disease, exertional angina. The patient was given a treatment with Dr.Korolyovs homeopathic mixture during 6 months. In 3 weeks after treatment started attacks became more frequent, i.e. recovery was coming through exacerbation. In 3 months frequency of attacks reduced down to 1 in 2 weeks. After 6 month of treatment attacks disappeared. The patient is continuing to take Dr.Korolevs mixture.
Patient Z., 2-year-old girl. She was ill since she was born. Diagnosis: infantile cerebral paralysis, encephalopathy, semiluxation in hip joins, cross-eye (strabismus). Objectively: The girl was able to stand and remain in this position, but she was not able to walk. Her speech was scrambled, she pronounced only separate words.
The patient was given a complex treatment with Dr.Korolyovs homeopathic mixture during 1 year together with reflex correcting therapy by Dr.Sukhanovs method and turpentine bathes by Zalmanovs method. Recovery was coming gradually: in 6 months the girl started to walk with adults help and speak with sentences. In 1 year she started to walk without assistance, she was able to run, speak well. Cross-eye got significantly better, semiluxation in hip joins disappeared, psychic state improved.
D., 6-day-old girl. Diagnosis: encephalopathy, multiple brain-cyst, semiluxation in hip joins, physical and mental development delay, prematurity. The patient was given a complex treatment with Dr.Korolyovs homeopathic mixture together with reflex correcting therapy and hyperthermal bathes during 3 months. After course of treatment the patient status significantly improved, the girl became active, reflexes became normal, psychic and physic state improved, US examination did not show brain cystous process. Semiluxation in hip joins disappeared.